Saturday, December 6, 2008

Deal on Apples! (and popcorn)

Calling all apple lovers!

The labels on these apples say that they are Braeburn apples, grown in the USA. Also printed on it is the producer's website

Even Winco can't beat this price now! The store? KING RANCH on 7th Street. 25 cents a pound, people! This is historic!!!

I ate one of those apples this morning. What a delicious and healthful 10 cent treat.
An interesting aside for you all: Long long ago, I read an intriguing book I found at the Brigham Young University library. The title was: "How Not To Kill Your Husband". It said that if you make sure your husband eats 2 apples a day, he will NEVER have clogged arteries! It is the pectin in the skin that works its magic thus.

I like to put chopped apples in plain or vanilla yogurt, with raisins, nuts and celery. Sometimes I put chopped apples in our tossed salad. Yum!

Now for the popcorn deal. We have popcorn a lot at our house. Sometimes I pop some for dessert (because we may still feel like munching on something after supper..and we do not usually eat sweets...only at Christmas parties.) This is at Grocery Outlet. They are on shelves against the far opposite wall when you walk in. This big bag (it measures almost 16 inches can't tell that by looking at the picture.) is $3.49. And it is Orville Redenbacher popcorn! I heartily recommend learing how to pop corn on top of your stove, instead of the microwave. That way you can control the amount of salt, if any. Hot air poppers are good, but then that is another appliance to find space for in your kitchen. I do our popcorn in an iron skillet with a lid.

So if you are a popcorn lover, stop by at grocery outlet soon!

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