BULGUR IS BETTER! I have recently added Bulgur to my food storage....
What is bulgur, you ask?
Bulgur is the product of an ancient way to prepare and use wheat. It even predates biblical times!
It is served at every Middle East restaurant. (the 2 Middle East restaurants in our area is The Pita Stop, and Ala' Al Deen). It is served plain as a side sprinkled with sumac, or in Tabouli ( a bulgur salad with finely chopped tomatoes, parsley, etc.) Or..you can get creative with it...use it in stir fries, in casseroles, etc.
It is made by boiling wheat kernels, drying them, removing the bran and grinding into coarse particles. This way it could be stored through the year and consumed easily, without even boiling, but just by soaking in hot water.
Why do I say...BULGUR IS BETTER?
It is more nutritious than rice, even brown rice. Plus...
Brown rice takes 40 minutes to cook!
Here is how to fix bulgur: There are 2 recipes here...
Recipe #1
1 cup bulgur
2 cups hot water
Put bulgur in a bowl, then pour hot water (2 cups) over it and cover bowl with plastic wrap. Let stand until tender, about 10 minutes.
Read More http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Bulgur-with-Herbs-354978#ixzz2VjfNPYFF
Recipe #2
1 cup bulgur
2 1/2 cups water
1 Place water in medium saucepan on stove. Bring water to
a boil.
2 Place bulgur in separate saucepan that has a lid.
3 Pour boiling water in the saucepan containing the
bulgur. Place the lid on top of the saucepan and let it sit on the counter for
30 minutes.
4 Drain bulgur and use a fork to separate any grains that
have stuck together.
In my new somewhat enlightened stat of mind regarding food storage, bulgur is better for this very reason that it is quick! It is like instant wheat! You can buy it online, from Health Food Stores, some grocery stores, in bulk from the bins a at Winco stores.
Bulgur ius beter because it is low on the Glycemic Food Index. It is low in fat and calories and high in fiber so "it fills you up but not out ".
There is another great reason to use bulgur..it has
Why don't we want
"Many whole grains have antinutrients (phytates) which bind nutrients making them unavailable for the body to use. Foods high in phytates such as whole grains have been correlated to reduced incidences of certain types of cancer but for many these foods cause nutrient deficiencies."
This whole thing about
phytates has been new to me this year and is the impetus for me doing more research into how to improve our diet and ou food storage.