Sunday, June 9, 2013


I cannot tell you how much I love and appreciate lentils. Jane Brody's Lentil soup is my ultimate comfort food. (I substitute Italian seasoning for the thyme and marjoram.)
I have LOTS of lentils in our food storage.

  File:3 types of lentil.jpgI have always said, if food was priced according to its nutritional content, lentils would be 20 dollars a pound instead of 98 cents a pound.

Lentils cook up in less than an hour. Some recipes call for just 1/2 hour of cooking. I go 50 minutes to an hour.
You can make cold lentil salads and a myriad of hot dishes! They are high in fiber and high in protein. Lentils are my manna.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ can sprout them and they taste like fresh raw garden peas. Since the best taste of the sprouted lentils is day 2 or day 2 and a half, I make just a small amount at a time... I soak a half cup lentils in a cup of distilled water in a bowl over night. Bu using distilled water for the initial soaking, you get a sweeter taste. Then I drain them in my strainer and put them back in the bowl. (don't need a special sprouter device)and set in on my counter. In this desert where it is so dry, I rinse them several times a day in my strainer under the faucet and put them back in the bowl. On the first day you will notice a little sprout forming already. After one more night and day, they should be ready...

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