Sunday, June 9, 2013

Raisins: Make Mine Organic, Please!

In my new enlightened food storage, I have a case of organic raisins.....
 Sunview Raisins, which are so huge and good. See? 1 inch long!!

Grapes are one of the most heavily sprayed fruits! Other countries have even worse standards than the USA. Chile's grapes and raisins are the most heavily contaminated. You can buy these Sunview raisins at BJs Health Food store here. I have purchase great organic raisins (but they are smaller)also at Sprouts in Ranch Cucamonga.

We eat our raisins...

1. Straight out of the can as a snack.
2. In our oatmeal, granola, cereals
3. In salads
4. in our curries
5. drenched in dark chocolate is the site I use to purchase these Sunview raisins (I buy the green ones, I like the taste better than the red ones...although they all LOOK the same dark color); ....they want you to print off an order form and mail them a check for 45 dollars for 12 cans...They deliver quite quickly! A California Company.

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