Sunday, August 19, 2012


Perhaps the greatest outdoor danger in the summer is:  TOO MUCH SUN AND HEAT!
Stay safe during this heat wave!     Stay hydrated!
Dehydration can get bad enough to require hospitalization!    Stay hydrated!

You may wonder if water is better than sport drinks. Here is some great information on that topic!

One idea is to...
Make your own sport drinks! Why spend a dollar or more a bottle? Fill your own bottles with
your own homemade hydration drinks!

One simple recipe if you want to make your own hydration or sport  drink:
  • 70% water
  • 30% orange juice
  • small amount of sugar or honey to your energy and taste needs
  • pinch of salt (sodium is good, great if you can get some with potassium also)

This mom made her own homemade gatorade for her little boys who play sports outside in the hot sun alot and so get dehydrated quickly.

You can invent your own recipe. Just be sure you have some sodium in your drink, and some sweetener/ carbohydrate.

some folks fill a bottle half way with their water or sport drink and then before leaving the house, add liquid to the top. This way you do not have a totally solid mass in your bottle when you want to start drinking. It is said cold water is absorbed better by the body.

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