Saturday, January 7, 2012


For the month of January, we will concentrate on how to prepare for Scenario #4: You are unable to go to a food store to obtain food. The stores may be empty because of some kind of disaster which makes it impossible for the trucks to deliver goods to the stores. Or you wallet or bank account may be empty.
In this case: You will want to have had prepared in advance....

A pantry full of food: Your own store, so to speak.

This picture is from this blog:

You may want to go to this site and get inspired! I did!
You may not have a pantry in your house. I do not. But I created one out of a coat closet. It is nice to open up that closet and see all that food! I also keep food in a dresser in the closet of one of our bedrooms. And my kitchen cupboards are packed!

Finding places to store you food is is an opportunity to be creative.

The blog posts this month will give you guidance, ideas, tips and sites to help you reach your food storage goals.

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