Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Power Went Out And....

The house instantly became pitch black dark! But...
I was ready and fearless!

I looked out the window..the neighbors to the back had lights. I went to the front door and peered out. Complete darkness in all the homes across the street. No street light.

I went to out bedroom and got our three solar lanterns and brought them into the kitchen. There! Great! Lots of light! But I sure hoped the electric company would fix the problem soon.

I love our lanterns! Here they up the kitchen during that power outage.

(Now you don't have to have SOLAR lanterns: my folks have lanterns that look almost exactly like this, but they are battery operated and sometimes they forget to check the batteries and get caught during a power outage without light. Usually, though, they are fine ready and the lantern is ready and handy.)

I had light, but I had a problem. Our gas oven stopped working! I was baking a turkey breast at the time...about 11:00 at night during the week before Christmas. Why did my oven stop working? It is not an electric stove. True. But the thermostat is electric...and so when the temperature of the oven dipped a bit, the thermostat did not kick in and the oven slowly got cooler.

I started to wonder when the folks at the electric company would get this straightened out.

Wait! Maybe they do not even know about this problem in our neighborhood. I called 9-1-1 (ON OUR LAND LINE because our cordless phones were not working) and told the gal that this particular neighborhood had no electricity. She said they knew about it.

My turkey breast had another hour and a half of baking/roasting....and I did not have any idea when the power would return. If it would not return for four or 5 hours, I would be in trouble.
I needed to get this meat cooked. I couldn't very well take it out of the oven and put it in the refrigerator. I decided I would relax and read for a while.

First, though, I turned off the computer and the power strip it is connected to.

Then I called our neighbor across the street on my cell phone (which was working!) and took a solar lantern over to him to use. He had a flashlight but welcomed the lantern, which he could set on a table and it gave off more light.

I then sat down and caught up on some reading and waited for the lights to go back on.

After 45 minutes, I began to think of that turkey breast again.

The best possible thing I could do, I thought, is to grill it on our outdoor BBQ grill. I went outside to the back patio to see if we had some charcoal. We did. Good! Next step, get the grill and clean it up and get it ready.

As I started to do that, the lights came back on! Yes!

I was set back a little that night and got to bed at 2:30am (had to finish cooking the turkey breast, then cool it off enough to refrigerate it.)

I was so glad I had those 3 solar lanterns! And that I could share one with a neighbor..and that someone out there (some electric company employees)knew how to get the power going again.

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