Saturday, December 31, 2011

Portable Stoves

One day last October, I was in San Diego walking down a sidewalk near where some Mexican landscape workers were sitting on the ground around a portable stove, laughing and talking and cooking their tortillas.

Now this was eating in style! No cold sack lunch for these guys! Just the wonderful aroma of cooked corn tortillas and whatever else they had. (I did not linger to see.) I want one of those I thought!

And sure enough, I did get one at a swap meet, 2 months later, for 20 dollars. The fuel cartridge -butane -was 2 dollars. Now I am ready for a long term winter power outage. I can cook anything on my portable stove! These little stoves cook as well as your own kitchen stove. One burner at a time is all I need, how about you?
I found an even cheaper model on

Deluxe Butane Burner Stove & Free Case
by Smart Chef

Price: $13.30 Check it out!

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