Sunday, May 4, 2008

Add Cayenne to Your First Aid Kit

And whosoever among you are sick, and have not faith to be healed, but believe, shall be nourished with all tenderness, with herbs and mild food, and that not by the hand of an enemy.

D & C 42:43

This post is about cayenne pepper.
I recently heard about its amazing healing properties. If it is true that it can stop a heart attack and stop internal bleeding (you still have to call 911), then it should be in everyone's first aid kit. Do you believe? I do! And so I will have it in stock in every first aid kit I have (Home, car, purse). To learn more, click on some of the links I have posted in the right hand column of this blog. The amazing properties of this herb can also be read about in the book, "Ten Essential Herbs" by Lalitha Thomas. Thanks to Jeanne Bradley for this tip.
Here is a bit of history about cayenne (capsicum frutescens) from

"It was first introduced to Europe following the discovery of America, and it quickly spread to Asia. It is now cultivated throughout the world, and is a common constituent of many a spice rack and medicine cabinet. Its medicinal properties were first documented by historians traveling with Columbus and its uses have progressed to make it a mainstay of many botanical physicians."

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