Here is one of the best articles I could find on the topic of what exactly to put in your FIRST AID KIT.
First Aid Kits: Stocking the Essentials by Barbara Szyszkiewicz
With summer fast approaching, it's time to update your first-aid kits. As a mom of three active children, I keep first-aid supplies in my home, car and purse. Everyone's needs will differ, but here are some basics that no first-aid kit should lack. Don't let the length of the lists scare you off. Most of these things are not large and can be kept in a rather small space.
Purse Kits: Mine is so small that I can fit it in a small cosmetic pouch or hard eyeglass case.
Tube of antibiotic cream
A few alcohol prep pads
Several adhesive bandages of varying sizes
Car Kits: I use a small bag that can be completely closed, such as a very small backpack or mini-duffel.
First aid guide
Laminated index card with emergency phone numbers, including doctor, hospital, and Poison Control
Adhesive bandages of varying sizes
Tube of antibiotic cream
Bug spray
Alcohol prep pads
Instant ice packs
Ace bandage
Several disposable latex gloves (in a sandwich bag)
Small bottle of acetaminophen or ibuprofen, both adult and children's formulas
Antidiarrheal medication
Antacid tablets
Antihistamine medication (Benadryl)
Gauze pads
Self-adhering roll gauze
Adhesive tape
Cotton balls (keep in a sandwich bag to keep them clean)
Large bandanna to use as a sling or to hold on a large dressing ("triangular bandage")
A few old washcloths and hand towels for quick cleanups or to act as splints (keep individually bagged)
Oral thermometer
Bar of soap
Safety pins
Activated charcoal for poison emergencies (consult Poison Control before using)
Small blanket
Waterless hand cleaner
Flashlight and extra batteries
Home Kits: These should be much larger. Mine is a basket on the shelf of my linen closet. Never keep first-aid supplies in the bathroom as the moisture and steam can lessen the effectiveness of some medications.
I keep all the same things as I keep in the car, PLUS:
Baking soda
Calamine lotion or other poison ivy remedy
Hydrocortisone cream
Rubbing alcohol
Hydrogen peroxide
Aloe vera gel for sunburns or burns
A&D ointment
Bulb syringe
Liquid bandage
Gauze pads in several sizes (at least 2X2 and 4X4)
Cotton swabs
I also like to keep a box of assorted adhesive strips, with a tube of antibiotic cream, in a kitchen cabinet. That is probably the most-used first-aid "kit" in my home!
Of course, the best component of a first-aid kit is knowledge. A short class in Basic First Aid through your local hospital or Red Cross chapter will pay off by helping you know how to react when an emergency arises. These classes also teach how to improvise equipment such as splints and stretchers.
If your child is involved in scouting, they may be able to earn credit toward a merit badge by helping you asemble your first-aid kit. A bonus: they will learn how to be prepared for emergencies. Check their scout handbooks or ask their leaders for more information.
It's a good idea to periodically check the first-aid kits, to refill them and make sure that none of the contents are past their expiration dates. When I use items in my car kit, I put the wrappers in a place where I will see them, so I can remember to restock the kit.
A well-stocked first-aid kit is something everyone should have, even though we hope we never need to use it!
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About the Author
Barbara Szyszkiewicz is Head Moderator at the Forum Community