Thursday, July 30, 2009

Make Your Own Beef Jerky

This is a short video...just a brief highlight of our Preparedness Club meeting last night. It was great! Here Sister Carter is teaching us about beef jerky. The 8 pounds of London broil she usually buys for her jerky is divided up: 4 lbs. are used for jerky first and the other 4 pounds are put in freezer to make jerky later. She uses an oven and lays the strips of meat right on the oven racks.


Carter's Beef Jerky

20 oz. Roast Beef or London Broil-1/4 inch thick
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup water
4 Tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon garlic powder
2 teaspoons onion powder
1 teaspoon hickory smole seasoning
1 tablespoon liquid smoke
1 handful of brown sugar

Put meat in sauce and marinate 2-3 days in fridge. (Sister Horvath commented on how she makes jerky without soaking it in marinade...she just dips it in marinade and then puts it to dry. We'll get her recipe later.)
Layer bottom of oven with foil just enought to cover the area of jerky.
Put about 12 slices of meat on each rack.

bake in 170 oven for 4 hours 45 min. For roast beef, 4 hours 30 minutes. If the jerky is chalky or brittle it was dried too long. If the jerky is limp, it wasn't dried enough.
Allow jerky to cure (just turn oven off and let it sit there)for 24 hours after drying. Store in freezer bags. will last 2 weeks on the shelf. If you have a system of bagging that removes all air and creates a vacuum, you can use that.

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