This was the saddest story to me. I have read many stories about people choking and then being saved by someone who did the Heimlich manuever on them.
The adult in charge of this child should have known some basics of safety. There is a
rule and I wonder how many parents know this: Don't feed small children grapes, hot dog pieces or peanuts. These are the most choke-able foods for little kids.
Think about the grape. It is round and smooth and even when you try to bite it, it can slip away from your teeth. It find its way down a child's throat very easily. You always cut grapes in half for a child. If you don't have a knife, just bite off half and then give the child one half and you eat the other.
I feel so so sad for this family that lost its toddler. I thought the heimlich was common knowledge with everyone. Doing it on a child might be different for an adult, though. I have never personally done the heimlich on anyone who was really choking. My husband has done it several times on me, though.
I hear you can do it on yourself, too, if no one is near.
This story should motivate us all to learn the Heimlich Maneuver.
Hesperia toddler chokes to death on grape
By Melissa Pinion-Whitt
Created: 09/11/2009 11:38:06 AM PDT
A 2-year-old Hesperia boy riding in a vehicle with a family member died after choking on a grape Wednesday.
San Bernardino County coroner's officials said Savino Lopez was sitting in a vehicle that was being driven on Bear Valley Road at 12:10 p.m. The child began to choke on a large grape.
The driver pulled into a parking lot and called 9-1-1. A San Bernardino County sheriff's deputy arrived and began to help the child until paramedics came to the scene and removed the grape.
The boy was taken to Desert Valley Hospital where he died shortly after arrival.