Saturday, April 18, 2009

April's Goal

This is what it says on our April calendar:

"If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear." ~ D & C 38:30
(Each person in the family should have his own backpack or dufflebag or BEST OF ALL: A ROLLING SUITCASE!!)

~Update your 72 Hour Kits
~Increase your water storage.
~Learn how to purify water.
~Obtain 3 gallons PLAIN bleach.
~Twice a week, serve meals soley from your food storage (non refrigerated items.)

Regarding the 72 Hour kits. A lot of LDS foks make it a habit to update them at conference time, which is a great time since the seasons are starting to change then. You need a different 72 Hour kit in the winter than you do in the summer. Plus, If you have packed away crackers and granola bars, they are going to expire in about 6 months, so you need to eat them up and replace them with fresher ones.

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