Just a note about bears. If you find yourself in bear country anytime, it would help to have some good practical knowledge about what to do to keep safe. On the side of this blog are some great sites regarding this topic. Why am I bringing this up now, when we have enough to think about with the recent tornadoes?
I will tell you why:
#1. Yesterday on the news there was a report from a couple who had a baby bears get their car...actually open the car doors and get in. Momma bear came along. They ripped up the interior pretty bad. Click on "BEARS" link (on the right)to see a news report complete with home video of this. So bears (and tornadoes, too) are on my mind.
#2. This is the last day of school for some school districts, and other school districts will be out in a few weeks. That means you may be taking trips to forests, mountains and across the plains, etc. Summer Safety should be a hot topic around the house these days. We need to share the knowledge we have, to teach our children and loved ones about how to keep safe.
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