How Can A Pillowcase zhelp You Survive?
Read this (from a survivalist)....
If you have a choice between using ice or snow, always choose ice first. Ice will give you more water than snow of equal size. Also, ice is usually cleaner and may not require filtering before you use it. The big problem with snow is that small twigs, rocks, and other foreign objects may be in it. Ice, is usually from a stream, tree limb, or other water source and not on the ground.
Ok, now you have either ice or snow, how is the best way to melt it? I carry an old white (I do not recommend a different color because the dye may bleed) pillowcase with a very small hole in one corner of the sewed end. Make sure it is at the very tip. I then hang the pillowcase near but not over the fire. The heat from the fire will melt the ice or snow and as long as you have a container under the pillowcase it will catch the dripping liquid.
If you have to melt snow or ice in a container over a bed of coals, avoid scorching. If the container becomes too hot, the resulting water will taste burned. I usually move just a few red coals over and place my melting container on top of the coals. I constantly move the snow or ice to keep it from burning. Also, snow will have to be pushed down into the container occasionally.
When using snow that needs cleaning, I will filter the water through two layers of cloth to make sure it is clean of bits and pieces from the ground.
As I stated earlier, ice may not need filtering at all. Even though you have filtered the snow or ice, it is still not safe to drink as is. All water not from a known clean source should be purified with purification tables, or by boiling. Keep in mind that even clean looking streams, lakes and rivers, may not be a safe source of healthy drinking water. Always purify any water from unknown safe sources.
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