Thanks to the author, Charles A. Lehman, of the 1988 "Desert Survival Handbook", we
can project ourselves into certain scenarios and see what we would do...and should do.
Here is a quiz for you:
You are driving from El Paso to Phoenix along Interstate 10 and at about noon, you get bored and take the next exit and travel 5 miles and turn west on a well-maintained road. You check the rear view mirror...no cars...you get to enjoy all this rare desert beauty by yourself..the airconditioner is keeping you cool and comfy. All of a sudden, you bright red HOT light on the dashboard flashes. You have ablown radiator hose! As you step out of the car, the blast of 115 degree heat (you knew that from the radio announcer)shocks you.
Boy, it's hot. You recall a ranch you passed 25 minutes back. You know you are 5miles from the freeway, but you are quite isolated. You recall that only 2 other cars had come toward you just after you left the freeway.
How would you insure your survival in the searing desert heat?
a. Begin walking toward the freeway and hail a passing car.
b. Strip off as many clothes as possible to help beat the heat, then walk slowly back down the road looking for help.
c. Stay in you car.
d. Get in the shade, wait until dark, then walk out.
The answer is.....
First of all, you want to save the water that is already in your body. If you take some clothes off, you expose your skin to more evaporation and you lose more water.
If you walk, that also creates heat and you work up a sweat and more water leaves your body.
So rest, and find shade. Your car is shade but will feel like an oven. You will overheat quickly in your car. Roll down all the windows...if still too hot for comfort, create some shade. Make a lean too with 2 poles and some fabric. The car also will cast a shadow as the day progresses. If there is a cave, use that but don't go far in..stay within sight of the entrance, and within sight of your car. A rock overhang nearby could also provide shade.