This morning, as I did my physical therapy exercises, I was watching the news on TV. An important report came on telling the residents of Downey, California to boil any tap water they plan on drinking. I was wondering how many people got this message and how many didn't. Now I feel like the best thing to do is keep some boiled water in the fridge, just to be safe! The people in Downey are being told to discard all their ice cubes, brush their teeth with bottles water and ...well...Here is the full report. Good to know this stuff!!!!
September 25, 2008
Q. Why is the City issuing a Boil Water Notice to Downey residents and businesses?A. As a result of weekly routine testing of our potable water distribution system, water quality tests results indicated the presence of Total Coliform bacteria at three of our twenty-five sampling locations.
Q. What does a positive Total Coliform test result mean?A. Total coliform bacteria are generally not harmful themselves. Coliforms are bacteria which are naturally present in the environment and are used as an indicator that other, potentially-harmful bacteria may be present. Coliform bacteria were found in more samples than allowed and this was a warning of a potential problem.
Q. Were any harmful bacteria found as the result of the water quality testing?A. E. coli and fecal coliform bacteria, which have the potential to pose a serious health problem, have NOT been detected.
Q. What steps are being taken to address the problem?A. The City of Downey has been working closely with the California Department of Public Health since the first positive Coliform test was reported. City crews are flushing water from the fire hydrants in the impacted areas, and chlorine is being added to disinfect the pipelines.
Additional water quality tests will be taken on a daily basis until the results indicate that the water is again safe to drink.
Q. Why aren’t you chlorinating the entire City?A. System wide test results only found the Coliform bacteria in the three areas that we are currently flushing and chlorinating.
Q. What steps do I take to boil the water?A. Bring all water to a boil, let it boil for one (1) minute, and let it cool before using. Boiling kills bacteria and other organisms in the water and is the preferred method to ensure that the water is safe to drink.
Q. Is it safe to take a bath or shower?A. Yes, as long as the water does not enter your mouth. Babies and children should be closely supervised to ensure that they do not fill their mouth with, or swallow, the water.
Q. Is it safe to brush my teeth with tap water?A. No, use either boiled water or bottled water for this and other oral hygiene activities including the cleaning of dentures.
Q. What about infant formulas?A. Formulas should be prepared using boiled tap water or bottled water.
Q. Is the water safe for washing dishes?
A. The water is safe for washing dishes, but you should use hot, soapy water (you may add one tablespoon of bleach per gallon as a precaution) and rinse dishes in boiled water. The dishes should then be left to air dry prior to being used. Attempting to wash and sanitize dishes in the same sink at the same time is not recommended because soap, grease and food particles interfere with the sanitizing process.
Q. Can I use my dishwasher?A. Yes, but to optimize the disinfection of your dishwasher you should use the highest temperature setting and use the heated dry cycle.
Q. Is the ice in my ice maker safe?
A. It is important to note that freezing does not destroy all bacteria. Discard any ice in your ice trays or ice maker. Once the Notice has been rescinded, make three or four batches of ice and discard in order to flush the supply line.
Q. What if I have a filter system on my faucet or refrigerator?A. Most point-of-use (POU) filters are designed to improve the aesthetics of water (improve taste and odor), not remove bacteria. You can review your user’s manual or contact the manufacturer for further information. We recommend that you use boiled or bottled water if you are not sure.
Q. What about my pets?A. Drinking water for pets including dogs, cats, birds and reptiles should be boiled tap water or bottled water.
Q. How long will the Boil Water Notice be in affect?A. We expect the Notice to be in affect through Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Once the Notice is rescinded, we will contact the local radio and television stations, and will post the information on the City’s web site. Until the Notice is rescinded, we are asking all residents and businesses to continue boiling their water.